Auto completion


Usage: lprs completion <SHELL>

  <SHELL>  Shell to generate completion for [possible values: bash, elvish, fish, powershell, zsh]

  -h, --help  Print help

The completion command generates completion scripts for the specified shell. The output is written to stdout, so you can redirect it to a file and source it in your shell configuration file.

How to use

ShellCommand to generate completion scriptCommand location (the file to write the command in)
Basheval "$(lprs completion bash)"~/.bashrc
Elvisheval (lprs completion elvish | slurp)~/.elvish/rc.elv
Fishlprs completion fish | source~/.config/fish/
PowershellInvoke-Expression (& { (lprs completion powershell | Out-String) })run echo $PROFILE
Zsheval "$(lprs completion zsh)"~/.zshrc